Maintenance Tips You’d Like To Follow For A Smoothly Functioning Garage Door

New Garage Door Richmond

Being a homeowner, you depend on your overhead door to access your home several times a day and you wish to be certain that you can rely on it to function, as it should. As the largest moving component in your home, it is essential that you find time to take care of your new garage door in Richmond, and do regular repair & maintenance to make sure that it stands the toughest of times.

Here are a few garage door maintenance tips you’d like to follow:

Lubricating moving parts are essential:

It will take only ten minutes time to grease up the moving parts of your garage door and help them last long. Just a small amount of lubrication can prevent noise and keep your overhead door opening and closing without any glitch.

Check if your garage door is properly balanced:

If an overhead door isn’t balanced correctly, it’ll have to work extra hard and henceforth will not last long. To prolong the lifespan of your opener and ensure your door operates smoothly, you’ve to check the balance of your overhead door.

Simply detach the opener by pulling the release handle. Then partly open the garage door manually. In the event the door is balanced correctly, it’ll sustain this position without any help from you. However, if it moves up or down on one side, then you’ve to tune the springs. As this is a delicate task, it’s wise to call GVA Garage Doors and let their technician find out whether the balance is right or not and do the needful.

Tighten the hardware:

As an overhead door opens & closes multiple times a day, it isn’t uncommon for the component to become loose gradually. For your knowledge, the typical garage door opens & closes more than a thousand times a year and such regular movement can make different hardware to loosen. Ensure to examine the component in regular intervals and tighten any hardware that looks to have become loose or get in touch with GVA Garage Doors and let your garage door experts check the hardware for you.

Ensuring that your overhead door is properly taken care of is critical in making certain that it stands the test of time. If you are looking for help with garage door maintenance or garage door installation in Richmond, do get in touch with GVA Garage Doors. With our years of experience in the garage door industry you can rest assured that your garage door is in safe hands.

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