Garage Door Safety Tips to Keep Everyone and Everything Safe

Garages are useful for a wide range of reasons – home projects, storage, play – but, for all of those reasons, they also can prompt safety & security challenges. Here we have prepared this garage door safety tips to keep everyone and everything safe and secure. Ensure the garage door opener control button is out of the reach of small kids. Don’t let the kids play with a garage door remote controls. Check the owner’s manual to learn how to use the emergency release feature of the garage door. Visually examine the garage door every month. Check out the cables, springs, pulleys and rollers for indications of wear and tear. Don’t try to adjust, remove or repair these components or anything affixed to them. A trained garage door technician should be appointed to make adjustments to these parts, which are under high tension. Check the garage door opener’s reversing hardware every month by placing a 2x4 board in the door’s path. If the door doesn’t reverse after contacting the object...